miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


Hello everyone, today I would like to share a controversial topic as is the role of graffiti in a society.  Finding what people think about them is a tough work because we can find different opinions and situations. Even graffiti are a way of express yourself, or give a message; in some cases you can transmit the wrong image or the wrong message to the others, for example in Bogota, Colombia we can find some graffiti that represent the violence situation of the city but the issue is, that situation is no longer a problem for the city. In other cases we can find people that consider graffiti an art, like some people in Argentina that consider that they decorate the streets or the concrete jungle as they call it; or in Brazil that they named Street Artist  those who make graffiti.

As we can see we can find different opinions but what I think is that if it is a good graffiti, that give a correct message not just some scratches, they are excellent.

What do you think? Leave your comment
Thanks for reading

Until next time
Leonardo Mercado 

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Bangkok's 'Mexican' Gangsters

Hello everyone, I'm writing today to give you my opinion about the case of Bangkok's 'Mexican' Gangsters, first let’s talk about the general case, which basically is that in Thailand people have started perceiving a group that has started to dress in a particular way and with a lot of tattoos, this is called Mexican Gangster style.
This can be normal for many of you but, the issue comes up because most people misjudge the real objective and motivation of the group by thinking they are just trouble people, that are violent, do drugs and all this stuff that are wrong.
What I could learn was that this group of "Mexican's gangsters" are just adapting a style of wearing not of behavior, must of them have what society consider a daily normal life, they are family guys. They met together to basically give messages about the society problems that are affecting society commonly with music.

My message to you today is that we cannot based just on the appearance of others, we should give them a change by giving as the chance to know them better, and understand what is underneath the look.

Please if you like this post or have any comment don't hesitate in giving it me, so leave your comments
If you want to know more about this you can visit this video I saw and help me to understand: